Mac Client 6.2 - Expiration tracking - now for everyone

We all have a number of Expirations to track in their lives. From warranty expiration dates, to domain registration renewals to the expiration of key software packages. There are a number of solutions to help track these, and we are expanding our API access to allow those to read the Expirations in our system. What we are adding is the ability to automatically gather expirations right off the computers on which our agent is installed.

In addition to gathering expirations, we’re allowing subscribers to automatically generate AppleCare records for the Macs they monitor, and are releasing our GSX Warranty Lookup tool to allow those with GSX Access to automatically track the status using their new GSX SSL Certificates.

As Expirations are loaded into the Watchman Monitoring dashboard – either automatically or as our users create Expirations related to Groups or Computers, the dashboard will become a place where expirations can be reviewed at any time. Additionally, a monthly email will be sent listing the entries due for renewal in the next 60 days.

There are a number of additions planned for this feature, and we’re happy to get this initial version out the door.

The following is a list of what Watchman Monitoring tracks on day one, and many more will be added in the coming weeks.

  • Backblaze 15-day Trials
  • CrashPlan PROe Server
  • Kerio Connect
  • Lightspeed OnSite (including Multi-Store)

Expirations are gathered with Mac client version 6.2, and will be added to the Windows agent as a part of the pending 1.0 release.

Can you think of a thing you’d like to see tracked? If our agent can pick up the date off the filesystem, it’s fair game, let us know what you’d love to see!

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Hi Allen,

This Expiration list for our Onsite customers would be invaluable. Could I request that the list includes not only the expiry date but also the Lightspeed version they are currently on and the number of users?
This will facilitate effective quotations and marketing to these clients

Excellent work!



Peter Klein • Joint Managing Director
1300 919 929 • t: (02) 9191 9292 • m: 0400 333 130
Studio 24, 8 Hill St, Surry Hills, NSW, 2010

Thanks Peter,

Client 6.2 is being released now. It will automatically do the gathering we mentioned already, and we’re working hard to get it into more discreet pieces for easier digestion. Posting feature requests with the intended use (as you’ve just done) helps us plan out what (and how) the next features we add will be. We cannot thank you enough for all your feedback.


-Allen & the team at Watchman Monitoring Inc.