Monitoring Client 6.0.4 – CrashPlan Memory Tracking, MAC Addresses, and yet more Malware

Features Added

  • Malware - MacVX, iLivid/Ask for iLivid
  • Support for System and Network MAC Address.
  • LightSpeed Pro plugin warns on System MAC change
  • Warns on CrashPlan Restart log entries
  • Better support for 3rd party batteries

###Changes Made

  • Less logging when Munki reporting is active.
  • Always displays when Time Machine isn’t configured

###Bugs Fixed

In this release we’ve focused on number of bug fixes which we found in our internal reporting, and reported reported by you. (Thank you!)

While we were at it though, we couldn’t help but add in a few malware plugins which we found along the way. We had one malware installer submitted via our Notes page, and that allowed us to learn a lot about how it worked, and how we could identify it accurately. It’s a never-ending chore, because it led us to other malware, so we had to get them too! It’s a never-ending battle though, and we’ll never catch them all. You can see what we’ve done in our github repo. If you find more, send samples (and installers, ideally) to our support team.

All - We’ve released a small patch (shown as 6.0.4 (7A212)). Fixes include better Time Machine status tracking when our agent is first installed, and Time Machine has never completed a backup. Our reporting will still end up going the normal interval (7 days) before alerting on this situation. Future versions of the client will warn of this case when our agent is first installed.

We were also able to add a % of battery life remaining %, the result of one of the many great feature requests you provide.

Laptop Battery
Design Capacity: 6330
Max Capacity: 6158 (97% Life Remaining)

If you have any questions or feedback, we’re always glad to hear from you at