Originally published at: https://www.watchmanmonitoring.com/mac-client-6-5-6-sierra-log-scanning-malware-zentral-support/
- Support for Disk IO Error logging in macOS 10.12
- Additional Malware definitions
- Zentral integration
- Hides volumes named "Monitoring Client" from our reporting, to cut down on false positives.
- Moves agent removal log path to /tmp for a fully clean removal, if requested.
Bug Fixes
- Better handling when CrashPlan Destinations are removed
- Prevents warnings for volumes named "Monitoring Client"
Documentation Readers, Check this out:
Have you wanted to let customers sign up for monitoring and download their installer right from your web site? Check out the recently released self-enrollment option allowing you to place a registration form and paywall in front of monitoring sign-up.Our Zendesk users have asked, begged and pleaded for a way to change the requester for a Watchman Monitoring generated tickets. To quote Futurama’s Professor Hubert J. Farnsworth, “Good News Everyone!” We have a way to change the ticket requester with a trigger which when combined with the Watchman Monitoring trigger will allow you to change the ticket requester automatically when a ticket is created.