Mac Client 6.1.2 – Improved Crashplan Reporting, Time Machine Scheduler Improvements


  • Automated detection for alternate Time Machine schedulers
  • Displays amount of memory in use for CrashPlan
  • Reports on excessive CrashPlan restarts
  • Support for Mac OS X 10.5 in group-specific installers


  • Better reporting for root volume capacity
  • Notes about UPS power monitoring revealed in the Control Panel
  • Improved support for Daylite Client Version 5
  • Printing full path to monitored application
  • No longer forces System to close during removal


  • Better support for active Carbon Copy Cloner 4 backups
  • Improved Daylite server error handling
  • Improved handling of long recon times when gathering JSS information
  • PreferencePane’s Check for Updates and Report Status buttons prevented repeated use

Hi all, the Mac agent 6.1.2 has been released. It’s not a ton to brag about as far as new features, but we’re happy bring the bug fixes and clarity in the recent changes.

If you are a fan of Time Machine Scheduler or Time Machine Editor, we’re going to automatically track this for you. We’ll report Time Machine’s status even though it’s disabled in System Preferences. This is going to result in a small percentage of false positives, but we’re here for you at and the net result is more accurate reporting.

We need to thank a few of you - Steve and Patrick especially - for reporting what seemed to be false positives. Not only were we able to assure them that we are erring on the side of caution, but we were also able to narrow down why some backup systems were failing.

As always, we are here for you, helping you take even better care of your end-users.

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