A note that our next Client Version will be checking for a few more malware/adware packages.
We expect version 5.2.5 to be released shortly, and expect it will generate more than a few new tickets, as the Geneio app has become fairly widespread.
Check out the updated list of malware here:
and feel free to suggest add-ons for inclusion using Issues or Pull Requests
Can anyone report on how well these tools work and if they are safe to be downloading and running anyway. The safe mac website is the one that the Watchman Monitoring report linked be too which would seem to validate it?
Having read through the main.scpt which is the meat of the offering, I’d say it’s pretty on-track for one-off removal. Far simpler than doing it all by hand. Perhaps the only downside is that it simply removes AwesomeScreenshot instead of warns that you can disable its ads.
I haven’t compared it to the BitDefender product @ryan1 mentioned.
I have an idea we’ll be incorporating more of this list, am waiting on a reply from Mr Thomas Reed.
I have actually just finished having a really good read of The Safe Mac website. Really great info and I encourage other to have a read if they have not yet. Just writing a note now for our clients to help explain Malware and set the stage for us to try removing it using the script from The Safe Mac. Fortunately this is only affecting about 3% of our users.
Pretty happy about this being another way for us to touch clients first. This reporting gives us the opportunity, to prepare, communicate and resolve the issue. And once again before the user even realises a problem in the first place. The good will this builds with our customers exceeds our expectations every time.