Mac Client 5.2.2 - Network reporting - RAID Card Fix

##Monitoring Client 5.2.2


###Bug Fixes

  • Proper escaping to resolve some issues with Kernel Panic and Daylite Reporting.
  • Resolved issues where the Specified Applications plugin would not locate the executable.


  • Improved (faster, more reliable) handling of network interfaces
  • Better labeling of non-boot drives with i/o errors.
  • Added datestamp to beginning of more reports.

Published at:

An update to today’s release.

@luisgiraldo brought an issue to our attention where a hardware RAID card’s volume failure went undetected.

This problem effected ~5% of RAID card report. A patch was created, and was added to the 5.2.2 release as build 446

Thank you so much Luis, for all you do for the consulting community, and for asking questions of our support team.