Dashboard Update - March 2014 Better Login & Email controls

New Features / Enhancements
Added account lockout after 5 failed login attempts
Improved “Domain Locator” page
Improved email notification control

Bug Fixes
Misc patches and UI clarity improvements
Fixed issue with re-activating expired trials

Published at: https://www.watchmanmonitoring.com/watchman-server-update-march-2014/

All - Please find your additional controls in Settings -> Email Settings

We’ve enabled fine grained control over which emails you receive, and what email address they go to.

Don’t want tickets for Missing email notifications? Disable them.
Want change notices to go to your administrator, instead of creating tickets? Redirect them.

If you have enabled our GSX integration, and want Warranty notifications to go to your sales team: Do it!


-The Watchman Monitoring Team